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Our Distinctive Difference

Life at King’s is a unique experience, an adventure in learning where boys develop their qualities of mind, body and soul, gaining strength in academic capability, developing good character and building their desire for a life of service.

We want boys to grow in all aspects of their lives and we provide the challenges and opportunities for them to build their leadership skills and achieve all-round excellence. 

All of this is built on our three distinctive pillars – Academic Excellence, Character Development and Christian Community – the unique foundation for all that is King’s. 

King’s is a true adventure in learning, one where boys develop their qualities of mind, body and soul, ready to join the wider world as global thought leaders.

Academic Excellence

The King’s School has a long and respected record of Academic Excellence. In striving for excellence however, we want boys to think more about who they want to be, than what they want to do, and how they can contribute to the betterment of humanity. Adopting this approach helps boys apply sustained effort across all their endeavours to realise the very best of their potential.

Our approach helps boys continually develop this mindset, focusing on the application of rigour and discipline in academic pursuit while balancing this with social, emotional and intellectual wellbeing.  

We meet the academic needs of all students, providing quality whole-of-school enrichment for students of all abilities, through varied and challenging classroom and co-curricular experiences.

Character Development

The King’s School is widely respected for the character and integrity of its boy, qualities that are framed by our values. Through a wide variety of challenges, experiences and unique opportunities, boys forge true character, facing each contest squarely and striving to succeed against adversity, the competition or the natural elements.

We want every boy to develop into a well-rounded, capable and respectful young adult, ready to face the challenges of the wider world as a global thought leader. This demands a range of emotional and physical tools, and so we place particular importance on boys’ wellbeing socially, emotionally and physically. 

Through study, sports, the Arts, outdoor education, King’s Leadership Programs, clubs and societies, boys develop the tools and skills they need to build good character and leaving us as respectful – and respected – men of integrity.

Christian Community

King’s embodies an aspiration for humanity, grounded in our biblical understanding as a Christian Community and realised in human flourishing and wellbeing.

We want every boy to have an outstanding impact in society throughout their lives prepared to step out and make a significant impact for the good of the global society, through their ability to influence, inspire and motivate people around them. 

We guide boys to live a life of service, encouraging them to become respected leaders on the global stage and positive role models, with a strong sense of social responsibility. Every day, when boys put their King’s uniform on, they are reminded that they are prepared to live their lives with guidance and for the benefit of others.

We are a vibrant and welcoming village that cares for each and every boy, demonstrated through our pastoral care, spiritual and social development programs. Our Christian community is committed to developing young men of character and integrity, humble in their approach, respected for their generosity and full of gratitude.

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Learn how our Distinctive pillars are applied across the School:

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