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Old Boys' Union

Founded in 1893, the Old Boys' Union (OBU), has been run by Old Boys for Old Boys.

The OBU has over 7,000 members and we welcome all Old Boys of the School to join and enjoy the benefits of fellowship through regularly organised activities.

There are over 12,500 living Old Boys and over 2,000 Old Tudorians, with many of them coming through Tudor House to board at The King's School's Parramatta campus.

As the custodians of the traditions and standards of the School we also play a major role in its governance, with the election of five Governors to the School Council.

We host annual events and activities including, Commem Day, Annual Dinner, Back to King's, Young Old Boys Event, Business Networking Night, Country Function and Current Old Boy Parent Event.

We provide financial support to the School through donations to The King's School Foundation Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes Fund and The King's School Foundation Building Fund.

We also promote and subsidise various Old Boys' clubs and associations, including The King's Old Boys' Rugby Union Club (KOBs), The King's Old Boys' Football Club (KOBFC), The King's Old Boys' Cricket Club, Golf days and Rowing programs.

Should you require assistance or wish to contact the OBU, please email

James Holtsbaum ('99)
The King's School Old Boys' Union.

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