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Spotlight On: Steven Wan

Having joined The King’s School in 2018 as a Year 7 student, Steven quickly developed into an impressive young man who went on to serve King’s as a School Monitor and Wickham House Monitor.

Steven excelled academically, receiving a certificate for Academic Proficiency as well as Honour Colours in recognition of his academic achievements.

This academic aptitude saw him achieve an ATAR of 99.90, making it on the all-round achievers’ list while also receiving a Drama state ranking of fourth.

Outside of the classroom, Steven made valuable contributions to the Model United Nations team, the Scipionic Circle and The Future Project. He also represented the School in Debating, the da Vinci Decathlon and founded the King’s Drama Club – ‘The Dramatic Guild’.

Steven says, “King’s values all roundedness and excellence beyond the academic field, developing character traits and civic engagement – valuable qualities that, alongside intellectualism, contribute to real-world success. I will always remember it as a community with great opportunities and unique people who allowed me to discover my talents and maximise my potential”.

This development beyond the academic field saw Steven play in the Badminton A team for six years and was a member of the Media Club, where he won the 1 World Student Film Festival.

During his time in the Cadet Corps, his leadership skills were recognised with a promotion to Cadet Under Officer of the HQ Platoon, which saw him lead the Colour Party at the 2023 Regimental Passing Out Parade.

“One of the best lessons I learned at King’s was to take pride in my own identity, culture and unique capabilities and to respect these in other people; this will not only enable my own growth but also help others unleash their full potential and find joy in life,” says Steven.

Since graduating, Steven has embarked on his goal to attend university in America, having recently committed to Stanford University, where he will commence in September.

To begin his time at Stanford he will have an “Undecided” major to provide the ability to explore his many interests in filmmaking, physics, political science, history, acting and philosophy.

Once he reaches his third year and needs to pick a definitive major, Steven is leaning towards a double major in physics and political science.

“For me, being a Kingsman means to be ferocious, courageous and determined in the pursuit of your goals, but humble in victory”.

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